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Couples Getting to Know You Games

Teach Abroad

10 Fun ESL Games and Activities for Instruction Kids English Abroad

Increase student engagement and satisfaction through these 10 ESL games and activities.

Marco, Himalayan Education Lifeline Programme

Games and fun activities are a vital function of teaching English as a foreign language. Whether y'all're teaching adults or children, games will liven up your lesson and ensure that your students will leave the classroom wanting more.

Games tin can be used to warm up the class earlier your lesson begins, during the lesson to give students a break when you're tackling a tough subject, or at the stop of class when you take a few minutes left to kill. There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of games that yous can play with your students. EFL games are used to test vocabulary, practice conversing, larn tenses - the list is endless.

This list of ten archetype ESL games every instructor should know will help get you started and feeling prepared. Having these up your sleeve before stepping into the classroom will ensure your lessons run smoothly, and, should things become a little out of control, you lot'll exist able to pull back the attention of the class in no time.

Want to jump right into the list? Here are the pinnacle x games we recall your students will love:

  1. Lath Race
  2. Call My Bluff / 2 Truths and A Lie
  3. Simon Says
  4. Word Jumble Race
  5. Hangman
  6. Pictionary
  7. The Mime
  8. Hot Seat
  9. Where Shall I Go?
  10. What'due south My Problem?

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1. Board Race

There isn't an EFL teacher I know who doesn't use this game in the classroom. Lath Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary, whether it be words from the lesson you lot've just taught or words from a lesson you taught last week. It tin can as well be used at the start of the class to get students active. Information technology is a great way of testing what your students already know near the subject you're well-nigh to teach.

This is all-time played with 6 students or more - the more, the ameliorate. I've used it in classes ranging from vii-25 years of age and information technology'south worked well in all age groups.

  • Why employ it? Revising vocabulary; grammar
  • Who information technology's best for: Appropriate for all levels and ages

How to Play:

  • Dissever the course into two teams and give each team a colored marker.
  • If yous accept a very large course, it may exist better to carve up the students into teams of 3 or iv.
  • Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the acme.
  • The students must then write as many words every bit you lot require related to the topic in the form of a relay race.
  • Each team wins 1 point for each correct word. Any words that are unreadable or misspelled are not counted.

2. Call My Bluff / Two Truths and A Lie

Telephone call My Barefaced is a fun game which is perfect at the kickoff of term as a 'getting to know you' kind of game. It is also a vivid water ice billow between students if you teach classes who practice not know ane some other -- and especially essential if you are didactics a small-scale class size.

The game is excellent for practicing speaking skills, though make certain you save a fourth dimension for after the game to comment on any mistakes students may have made during the game. (I generally like to reserve this for afterward the game, and so you don't disrupt their fluency by correcting them as they speak).

With older groups you lot can have some real fun and you lot might be surprised what you'll acquire almost some of your students when playing this detail EFL game.

  • Why apply it? Ice-breaker; Speaking skills
  • Who it'southward all-time for: Advisable for all levels and ages but best with older groups

How to play:

  • Write 3 statements about yourself on the board, two of which should be lies and 1 which should be true.
  • Let your students to ask you lot questions almost each statement and then guess which one is the truth. You might want to do your poker face before starting this game!
  • If they guess correctly so they win.
  • Extension: Give students time to write their own two truths and one lie.
  • Pair them up and have them play over again, this time with their list, with their new partner. If you want to really extend the game and give students fifty-fifty more fourth dimension to exercise their speaking/listening skills, rotate partners every five minutes.
  • Bring the whole class back together and have students denote ane new thing they learned about another student every bit a recap.

3. Simon Says

This is an splendid game for young learners. Whether you're waking them upwards on a Monday morn or sending them dwelling house on a Friday afternoon, this one is bound to get them excited and wanting more. The only danger I take found with this game is that students never want to stop playing information technology.

  • Why use it? Listening comprehension; Vocabulary; Warming up/winding down form
  • Who it's best for: Young learners

How to Play:

  • Stand in front of the class (yous are Simon for the duration of this game).
  • Do an action and say Simon Says [action]. The students must re-create what you do.
  • Repeat this process choosing different deportment - y'all tin can be every bit dizzy every bit you lot similar and the sillier you are the more than the children will love you for it.
  • Then do an action but this time say just the activity and omit 'Simon Says'. Whoever does the action this time is out and must sit down.
  • The winner is the final educatee standing.
  • To arrive harder, speed up the actions. Reward children for skilful behavior by allowing them to play the function of Simon.

4. Give-and-take Jumble Race

This is a slap-up game to encourage squad work and bring a sense of competition to the classroom. No matter how old nosotros are, we all dear a good competition and this game works wonders with all age groups. It is perfect for practicing tenses, discussion order, reading & writing skills and grammar.

  • Why use it? Grammer; Word Order; Spelling; Writing Skills
  • Who it's best for: Adaptable to all levels/ages

How to play:

  • Write out a number of sentences, using dissimilar colors for each judgement. I advise having 3-5 sentences for each team.
  • Cut up the sentences so y'all take a scattering of words.
  • Put each judgement into hats, cups or any objects yous tin find, keeping each carve up.
  • Split up your class into teams of 2, 3, or 4. Yous tin accept every bit many teams equally y'all want but remember to accept enough sentences to get around.
  • Teams must at present put their sentences in the correct guild.
  • The winning team is the beginning team to have all sentences correctly ordered.

five. Hangman

This classic game is a favorite for all students just information technology tin can get slow quite rapidly. This game is best used for 5 minutes at the beginning to warm the course upward or five minutes at the end if you've got some time left over. Information technology works no matter how many students are in the class.

  • Why use information technology? Warming up / winding downwards class
  • Who it'due south best for: Immature learners

How to play:

  • Retrieve of a word and write the number of messages on the board using dashes to show many letters there are.
  • Enquire students to suggest a letter. If it appears in the word, write information technology in all of the correct spaces. If the letter does non announced in the word, write it off to the side and brainstorm drawing the image of a hanging man.
  • Go along until the students judge the word correctly (they win) or yous complete the diagram (you win).

6. Pictionary

This is some other game that works well with whatever age group; children love information technology because they tin get creative in the classroom, teenagers love information technology because it doesn't feel like they're learning, and adults love it considering it's a break from the monotony of learning a new language - even though they'll be learning as they play.

Pictionary can help students do their vocabulary and it tests to see if they're remembering the words y'all've been teaching.

  • Why utilize it? Vocabulary
  • Who it's best for: All ages; best with young learners

How to play:

  • Earlier the class starts, prepare a bunch of words and put them in a bag.
  • Carve up the class into teams of 2 and draw a line down the middle of the board.
  • Requite one squad member from each team a pen and inquire them to choose a word from the bag.
  • Tell the students to draw the give-and-take every bit a picture on the lath and encourage their team to guess the word.
  • The starting time team to shout the correct answer gets a indicate.
  • The pupil who has completed cartoon should then nominate someone else to depict for their team.
  • Repeat this until all the words are gone - make sure you accept enough words that each student gets to describe at to the lowest degree once!

7. The Mime

Miming is an first-class mode for students to practice their tenses and their verbs. It's also great for teachers with minimal resource or planning time, or teachers who want to break upwardly a longer lesson with something more than interactive. It's adaptable to well-nigh whatever language point that you might exist focusing on.

This game works with any age group, although yous will find that adults tire of this far quicker than children. To keep them engaged, relate what they volition be miming to your groups' personal interests every bit best equally possible.

  • Why utilize it? Vocabulary; Speaking
  • Who it's all-time for: All ages; best with young learners

How to play:

  • Before the class, write out some actions - similar washing the dishes - and put them in a handbag.
  • Split up the course into two teams.
  • Bring 1 pupil from each team to the front of the class and one of them choose an action from the handbag.
  • Have both students mime the activeness to their team.
  • The first team to shout the right answer wins a betoken.
  • Echo this until all students take mimed at least one activity.

viii. Hot Seat

This is ane of my students' favorite games and is e'er at the top of the list when I ask them what they want to play. I accept never used this while teaching ESL to adults, merely I imagine it would work well.

Hot Seat allows students to build their vocabulary and encourages competition in the classroom. They are also able to practise their speaking and listening skills and it can be used for any level of learner.

  • Why employ information technology? Vocabulary; Speaking and Listening
  • Who it's best for: All ages and levels

How to play:

  • Dissever the course into ii teams, or more if you lot have a large class.
  • Elect one person from each team to sit in the Hot Seat, facing the classroom with the board behind them.
  • Write a give-and-take on the board. One of the team members of the pupil in the hot seat must aid the student judge the word past describing it. They take a express amount of time and cannot say, spell or draw the word.
  • Proceed until each team member has described a word to the student in the Hot Seat.

ix. Where Shall I Go?

This game is used to examination prepositions of move and should be played after this subject has been taught in the classroom. This game is so much fun simply it can exist a little bit dangerous since you'll exist having one student in each pair exist blindfolded while the other directs them. So brand sure to keep your eyes open!

It is also excellent for the adult EFL classroom, or if you're education teenagers.

  • Why employ it? Prepositions; Speaking and Listening
  • Who it's best for: All ages and levels

How to play:

  • Earlier the students arrive, turn your classroom into a maze past rearranging it. It's bully if you tin do this outside, but otherwise push button tables and chairs together and move furniture to brand your maze.
  • When your students arrive, put them in pairs exterior the classroom. Blindfold one student from each pair.
  • Let pairs to enter the classroom one at a time; the blindfolded student should be led through the maze by their partner. The students must utilize directions such as stride over, go under, go upwardly, and go downwardly to lead their partner to the terminate of the maze.

10. What's My Problem?

This is a brilliant EFL game to exercise giving advice. Information technology should exist played after the 'giving advice' vocabulary lesson has taken identify. It is a cracking way for students to come across what they accept remembered and what needs reviewing. This game works well with any age group, just conform information technology to fit the age you're working with.

  • Why utilise it? Speaking and Listening; Giving Communication
  • Who it's best for: All ages and levels

How to play:

  • Write ailments or problems related to your about recent lesson on mail-it notes and stick one mail service-it note on each student's dorsum.
  • The students must mingle and ask for communication from other students to solve their trouble.
  • Students should exist able to estimate their problem based on the advice they get from their peers.
  • Utilize more complicated or obscure problems to make the game more interesting for older students. For lower levels and younger students, denote a category or reference a recent lesson, like "Wellness", to assist them along.

These games will keep your students engaged and happy as they learn! Remember, these are simply ten on the hundreds of different EFL games that you tin plat with your students. As you get more confident in the classroom, you tin commencement putting your ain spin on games and eventually make up your ain.

Whatever the historic period of your students, they're guaranteed to love playing EFL games in the classroom. An EFL classroom should be fun, active and challenging and these games are sure to get you heading in the right direction.

This article was originally published in October 2013; we redesigned and updated this article in May 2018.

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